Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Killer Employee

There's an employee who can kill your organisation in such a sophisticated manner, that you won't see it coming or even know it has happened - until it's too late. Yes, one person can SERIOUSLY do a lot of destruction. Because of this fact, it should alarm you to know that more than 65% of your clients/customers will stop doing business with you because of a single interaction, with a single employee.

The killer employee.

The killer employee can do real damage. So what are you going to do when they strike?

Will your organisation have an executive apologize?

Will you just mail out a check?

How much with the PR campaign to repair the damage cost your organisation?

What are you going to do?

What can you do?

Know your employees. Know what they do. Know what they think about what they do. There are also things to be done before they become an employee:

  • Define your customer service expectations during the on-boarding process. 
  • Include your customer service standards in the job descriptions for positions you are looking to fill. 
  • Create an internally distributed document/booklet, that is constantly updated and reviewed, solely dedicated to the customer service standards of your company. 
Avoid the killer employee. 

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